
Can Felons Vote in California?

Voting is a fundamental right of every United States citizen who is at least 18 years of age. We vote to elect government officials who support our beliefs and hold them accountable for their actions in office. Next year in November, millions of Americans will have the opportunity to vote in the presidential election.

When it comes to convicted felons, many people believe they are not allowed to vote after committing such a crime. Yet, that is farther from the truth.

In California, a felon’s voting rights are automatically restored once they are released from prison or discharged from parole. For felons who are currently on probation, you can still vote.

However, felons are not allowed to vote if they are still in prison after getting convicted or in a county jail while waiting to transfer to prison.

When a felon’s voting rights are restored, they must register or re-register to vote in any upcoming election. Felons can download a voter registration form online or get a hold of it at a local DMV, post office, or county elections office.

If you decide to mail your registration, you must register at least a month in advance of the election date. Once you register, you can vote by visiting your assigned polling place or by mail.

If you have been arrested for a felony offense in Santa Rosa, contact the Law Offices of Evan E. Zelig, P.C. today at (707) 418-5352 and request a free consultation today.